A blog for my thoughts on old-school RPGs and anything else I can think of.

A blog for my thoughts on old-school RPGs, CRPGs, fantasy art, film, historical ruminations, and anything else I can think of.


Outer Presence / Inner Void - Character Creation

Here I'm going to explain the character creation process which you should use in conjunction with the character sheet. I've posted my house rules, "Inner Void" and character sheet privately for the moment. I hope to offer it for free on this site, but I'm going to request permission from the author of "The Outer Presence" as a courtesy. I haven't retained everything from the original game, but the contribution is significant. I'm using the central event resolution mechanic, the Dice Pool and Bonus Dice, as well as most of the Professions list. I've also lifted with little change the Flaws, Motivations, and Organization rules. I have completely revised the health and sanity system, and explicitly added in attributes and skills where they were implicit in the Professions before. And I've made the Bonus Dice more important, and introduced Award Dice. Even so, enough of the system is derivative for me to feel it needs some protection as the property of the original author.

In game terms, the character is how you can interact with the world. It is also what the world--it’s average denizens and mysterious entities alike--see when they look at you. Like a character in a stage play your character will have a manner of speech, a costume, and a worldview that is uniquely their own. The more completely you delineate these features, the more clearly your fellow players can envision you in the setting. This is important for fun and immersion, but also to make the most out of the game mechanics. The Myth Master will give out Bonus Dice based on role play; they will know good roleplay by how it relates to what they understand about your character. A strong character concept can help you and others enjoy the game, but it will also help you succeed.

Note that this campaign takes place in 1971. Certainly it is an alternate '71 with shades of conspiracy theories and the fantastic, but still recognizable as history. This requires a certain adherence to real life experiences of the era. Social forces are in flux, and much that we take for granted was barely beginning to emerge. As much as our world is currently mired in racism, economic tyranny and gender inequality it's hard to understand how much worse it was. There are so many basic changes that things like legal segregation, the cold war, and the Equal Rights Amendment are almost impossible to describe today. If not factually, at least in a personal way. I've done my best to convey a little of that experience without becoming overbearing. And if I've added a little humor I hope it doesn't offend those who struggled to change our world for the better. 

A note on randomization: I've provided randomization suggestions for each section, but you could complete (almost) your whole character without rolling any dice. Go ahead and use your concept to guide all choices if you wish. It's (almost) all up to you.

This is your character’s name. This is what other players and NPCs in the game will call you. It is by nature freighted with certain information, like ancestral origin and possibly gender. There should be a first name and last name. If you are adamant on referring to yourself by a nickname or stage moniker, expect this to be confusing and memorable. Choosing a name will probably take longer than any other decision on the character sheet.

Many Randomization options are available online.

Female or male. This is a morphological characteristic. Remember this is not your gender in the modern sense. Engaging in hetero- or homosexual relationships is a behavior. Preferring one over the other is a mental state. Other choices, such as, Hermaphrodite, or Post-Op TS would be vanishingly rare in 1971. Note, that “gender” choices may be roleplayed in the game, but the 70’s were still a transition period, and Homosexuality wasn’t removed from the DSM (psychological Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) until 1973.

Randomize by flipping a coin.

Your astrological symbol. Typically one of the 12 houses of the year as represented in western astrology. This may (or may not) have any bearing on your behavior, but was certainly a popular pickup line. If you prefer an oriental flavor, Chinese signs are assigned by year so this should match with your chronological age.

Randomize by rolling 1d12. Or for Chinese version subtract age from 1971.

Your chronological age. Generally between 25 - 50, younger or older are certainly possible, but certain Professions may be more appropriate at different ages. An 18 year old doctor will have some very skeptical patients, while a 60 year old athlete is most likely retired or a coach. Refer to the Age section of the rules for attribute limitations.

Randomize by rolling 4d10 and adding 15 years.

This varies in normal humans from around 4’6” to 6’6” with a few notable exceptions. Being short or tall has no serious ramifications in the game, unless it's funny.

Randomize by rolling 2d12 and adding that many inches to 4 ½ feet.

Also varies significantly in humans, from 100 - 250 lbs. or more, and is often related to height. Note that game mechanics does not relate this to the Strength or Appearance attributes.

Randomize by rolling 1d100 for every foot of height above 3, and adding to 100. So 4’ - 4’11” is 1d100 + 100 lbs., 5’ - 5’11” is 2d100 + 100 lbs., and 6’ - 6’11” is 3d100 + 100 lbs..

What brand you smoke. This is the 70s, so everyone smokes. In fact, 1971 is year cigarette ads were banned on TV. If you don’t smoke, write “Don’t Smoke” on sheet and be prepared to say that, a lot.

1 - 10: Camel Unfiltered
11 - 20: Camel Filtered
21 - 30: Marlboro Filtered
31 - 40: Pall Mall Unfiltered
41 - 50: Benson & Hedges 100s Filtered
51 - 60: Newport Menthol Filtered
61 - 70: Virginia Slims Filtered
71 - 80: Commander Unfiltered
81 - 90: Pipe
91 - 00: Don’t Smoke

Their color, specifically the iris. However you may state “bloodshot” if it’s a character trait.

Randomize by rolling 1d4; 1 = Brown, 2 = Green, 3 = Blue, and 4 = Gray.

Hair color, but also length and/or style. Men may include facial hair.

Randomize by rolling 1d4 for color; 1 = Black, 2 = Brown, 3 = Red, and 4 = Blond.
Randomize length by rolling 1d6; 1 = bald (choose wig if desired), 2 = Short/Pixie, 3 = Full/Bob, 4 = Shoulder Length, 5 = Long, and 6 = Get a haircut hippie!
Randomize men’s facial hair by rolling 1d6; 1 = Clean Shaven, 2 = Stubble, 3 = Sideburns, 4 = Mustache, 5 = Goatee, and 6 = Full Beard.

Your skin color. Often related to family history and country of origin. This doesn't have any effect on the game mechanics, there may be situations that are affected. While Jim Crow laws ended in 1965 there is significant racism both institutionally and socially in America. That said, the Myth Master is responsible for making all choices equally valid while not ignoring history entirely.

Randomize by rolling 1d6 for U.S. citizens, 1 - 2 = White, 3 = Red, 4 = Yellow, 5 = Ethnic, and 6 = Black.

What is your favorite band? This important question defines a lot about your character, their social circle, political views, and personality. The band must have existed by 1971. So the Ramones (formed in ‘74) are out, but the Funkadelic album drops in 1970. In the ‘71 music scene Jim Morrison was alive (until July), Frank Sinatra would retire (for the first but not last time) and (a bloated) Elvis had been playing shows in Las Vegas for 2 years.

Randomize by rolling 1d6; 1 = The Beatles, 2 =John Coltrane, 3 = James Brown, 4 = Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, 5 = Vivaldi, and 6 = Elvis.

What country you hold a passport from. That country must have existed in 1971. So the Soviet Union, or Czechoslovakia, but not the Democratic Republic of the Congo (which was Zaire then). If you are from another country the Myth Master will help decide whether you are undergoing naturalization, or here on a visa, etc.

Randomize by flipping a coin; Heads = U.S. of A., Tails = Some foreign shithole.

Country of Origin
Where were you born? Often same as citizenship. Again must have existed in ‘71.

Randomize by throwing a dart at a map, or open a dictionary to any page and pick the first country with that letter (provided you own books you pleb).

What you do for a living. Write this down for Career. This is the single most important feature of your character so choose wisely (or like most leave it up to chance).

Randomize by rolling 1d100 and divide by 4. Count down that many on the Professions table.

What you are good at. These are defined by your Profession so write those down. Extra skills may be gained later in the game.

Equipment and Money
What you have starting out, or have ready access to. These are also defined by your Profession. Normal things can be purchased and written down here. But if you acquire or discover special items these will be represented by special cards that you affix to your character sheet by paper clip.

These define your character’s abilities. Each Profession has 2 Prime Attributes, go ahead and check the box for High on those Attributes. The player has 2 Medium and 2 Low scores to distribute between the remaining 4 Attributes.

I don’t recommend it, but if you want to randomize, flip a coin for each unassigned Attribute; Heads = Medium, and Tails = Low. If you run out of either Medium or Low, fill in the rest accordingly.

Why you do what you do. Your driving passion is an important part of your character concept, and you will gain Bonus Dice based on how well you convey that in play. However, it can be a refreshing challenge to work in a random selection.

Randomize by rolling 1d8 on the Motivation table.

Everybody has one (or let’s be honest, more than one). For game purposes you need to have a character flaw and make it a part of your play style. These characters aren’t paragons of ethics, or if they are, it is pursued with such single minded devotion that it becomes a hindrance.

Randomize by rolling 1d20 on the Flaws table only once. (Only a few characters will ever receive a second Flaw.)

Organizational Affiliation
You are part of a team. No, not the party of your fellow players, but a shadowy group on the fringes. A little known and often silent partner in your affairs. These can range from inconsequential, to mysterious, to downright unsavory. I do recommend randomizing this choice unless you have a strong concept in mind (even so the Myth Master will define the specifics of the organization with you).

Randomize by rolling 1d10 on the Organization table.

Organizational Relationship
What this special group means to you, and what you mean to them. How much you might rely on (or fear) them may come into play. You could ask them for help, or visa versa. They might demand your allegiance. Perhaps you will refuse, what then? The Myth Master will usually require this be randomized so you can’t declare your character general of an army, or mob boss.

Randomize by rolling 1d6 on the Relationship table.

Health & Sanity
All characters start out Healthy and Sane (with some exceptions which the Myth Master will explain). How long they stay that way is up to you.

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