A blog for my thoughts on old-school RPGs and anything else I can think of.

A blog for my thoughts on old-school RPGs, CRPGs, fantasy art, film, historical ruminations, and anything else I can think of.


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Ho there traveller. It's a bit musty in here, but I've opened the doors again and tidy-ed up a bit. A new look, and a new phase for 7 Geases. I've made a new banner as well, this one's kind of a joke on my friend SBG's long standing complaints about my rampantly sexist web art. Well, here's some practical armor for the ladies, with a side of beefcake.

It's been a busy season, but I did run my Labyrinth Lord game. On the whole it was semi-successful!

It's hard to get 4-5 adults in the same room for several hours even once or twice a month. So I count myself lucky that we actually got 4 sessions into the game. However, I think if my campaign had really wow'd 'em it would have gone longer.

Sure, I've forgotten a lot about DMing, and that slows down the game. Also, playing computer RPGs doesn't equate with paper 'n pencil, so some of my assumptions about how familiar the players were, turned out to be wrong. And, I failed to take into account changing tastes in play style. I think mainly the pacing was off, and the atmosphere was a little weak.

I'm going to spend the next few posts discussing what went wrong, and even a bit about what went right. Then I'll talk about what I'd like to run next, if only I get the chance. Stay tuned for more.